Benchmark WOD: Elizabeth – CFS


Run 400m, then:
Alternating Tabata
1. L-Sit on Rings*
2. Air Squats

L2- Ring Support
L1- Plank Hold

*L-sit can be scaled with the knees up variation or 1 leg extended.

Work up to Max Weight for the Complex:
1 Power Clean
1 Hang Squat Clean
1 Split Jerk

*Hands must stay on the barbell for the entire complex.

WOD (10 Minute Cap)
Squat Clean (135,95)
Ring Dips

Level 2 (115,75)
Level 1 (95,45)

Scores/Comments from Elizabeth on 6/25/2015
Scores/Comments from Elizabeth on 4/26/2013

*Coaches Note – the set of 21 Squat Cleans should be done in no more than 3 sets with minimal breaks. Athletes please choose a weight that allows you to do so.

1 Mile Run @75%

Southie Skills Lab
Kipping & Butterfly Pull-Ups