Sebastian and Molly’s Nepal Relief Fundraiser


During the recent tragic earthquakes, Molly and Sebastian were over in Nepal on a mission to hike Everest. They have set up a fundraiser to help with the relief efforts. Please spread the word and click here to contribute. Read more below about their story.  

About 6 months ago, Sebastian had the crazy idea to go to Everest Base Camp, and I (Molly) decided that I was just crazy enough to join him. After a lot of stadium Sundays, we left on April 22 to Kathmandu. Little did we know, April 25 had a different adventure in store for us. While sitting outside of Hotel Thamel, talking to a friend who had just finished the trek, there was a 7.8 magnitude earthquake. I don’t know about most of you, but having grown up in Ohio and lived in Boston for the past 7 years, I can’t say I had much earthquake experience. My initial inclination was that of a large truck or subway car passing by, until you couldn’t stand up straight and were being jostled about. Around the corner, a 6 story hotel collapsed into the water basin across the street from it. People rushed to help, but there was no telling when the next aftershock would occur, and whether it was even safe to try to help.

Over the course of the next few days, we experienced something like 50 earthquakes/aftershocks, some as large as 5 and 6 magnitudes. These will continue to occur for potentially the next 6 months. Relief efforts have already counted over 6,800 dead, with over 14,000 reported injured. Thousands are still missing and some 130,000 homes and buildings have been destroyed and another 10,000 buildings have been demolished.

Sebastian and I were extraordinarily fortunate to escape injury free, thanks in large part to friends made along the way, and the US embassy camp. However, the citizens of Nepal have a much more difficult road ahead. Most spent the days after the quake living in makeshift tent cities, with clean water and food becoming a scarcity. Electricity was a problem prior to the quake, so there is no telling how damaged the power grid is or how long it will take to recover. Having experienced the hospitality and selflessness of many of the Nepalis first hand, I can think of no greater good than to give back as much as I can to help them in the recovery efforts.

After much research, funds will be donated as a lump sum to Global Giving. All donations to this fund will support earthquake recovery and relief efforts in Nepal. Initially, the fund will help first responders meet survivors’ immediate needs for food, fuel, clean water, hygiene products, and shelter. Once initial relief work is complete, this fund will transition to support longer-term recovery efforts run by local, vetted local organizations.

Katia & Sebastian

WOD (35 min hard cap)
5 Rounds
400m Run
30 Box Jumps
30 Wallballs

Level 3 -4 Rounds
Level 2- 4 Rounds, 20 Reps of each
Level 1- 4 Rounds, 200m Run, 15 reps of each

Conditioning Class: WOD
6 Rounds
In 3 minutes:
Row 250m
AMRAP Burpees up & over erg
Rest 1 minute

Conditioning: Core
2 Rounds for quality
9 Strict toes to bar / leg raises
6 Around the world
3 Dragon Flags