Benchmark: “Isabel”

Goose going over Legless Kip
Goose going over Legless Rope Climbs

30 shoulder taps
20 hip touches
10 strict pull ups
5 pistols each leg (overhead with pvc if possible)
Run a loop
5 pistols each leg (overhead with pvc if possible)
10 strict pull ups
20 hip touches
30 shoulder taps

3-Position Snatch
Mid Hang
High Hang

-Start light and focus on technique, then work towards 4 heavy sets without removing your hands from the bar.

WOD 1– Benchmark
30 Snatches for Time (135,95)

Rest 10 Minutes

10 Minute AMRAP
Shorter, Uglier Mary
5 Paralette Handstand Push-ups (1 abmat)
10 Pistols
15 Chest to Bar Pull-ups

Games – Overhead pistols (45/25)
Regional – Overhead pistols with a PVC