Don’t forget about our newest class addition on Thursdays: CrossFit Southie Endurance! This is a FREE class that does not count against your weekly class total. The group will meet with Brett by the door of Southie Green at 6pm and kick things off from there. Be there!
Are you interested in the CFS Endurance Program, but cannot make it to the scheduled class times? Join the CrossFit Southie Endurance Facebook Page to stay up to date with weekly programming that you can complete on your own. All you’ll need is a place to run and a stopwatch!
Independence Weekend Schedule
Friday July 3rd – 4,5,6 & 7pm only – no classes in Southie Orange
Saturday July 4th – 8am & 9am
Sunday July 5th – normal schedule – 9am 10am, 11am & 12pm – no yoga
Have you seen the new equipment around the gym? Little hesitant to try it out? Check out the ab wheel video and put it into action!
400m Sandbag Run (3/2)
20 Overhead Squats (95/65)
20 T2B
200m sandbag run
100 Double Unders
200m sandbag run
20 T2B
20 OHS
400m Sandbag Run
Level 2 (75,55)
Level 1 (65,35)
Conditioning Class: WOD
Every 2 minutes for 20 minutes
300m Run
20 Burpees
*Alternate between two movements for 20 minutes. Scale burpees as necessary.
Conditioning Class: Core
2 Rounds
25 Situps – no arm throw
20 Glute Bridges
15 Supermans
10 Jane Fondas/side