Don’t forget, Coach Beretta will be here tonight during the evening classes showcasing his new MOBLOKO! Take a look at his website and secure your very own Mobloko here.
O2X is an authentic, original mountain-racing series with naturally occurring obstacles. Our summit challenges (recently profiled in Outside Magazine: read here) are designed to push your personal limits. Our base-to-peak competitions offer a new and unforgettable opportunity to experience physical and mental growth – all fostered in a spirit of environmental awareness and sustainable living.
The first four summit challenges are taking place this fall at the following mountains: Sugarbush – Sept 13, Sunday River – Sept 27, Loon – Oct 18, Windham – Oct 25. This is an awesome opportunity to get out there and put all of your training to the test! To sign up and receive a 10% discount off of your registration, use promo code: O2X99.
If you’re interested in competing in one of these races, post to comments and we can get a CrossFit Southie team together!
Ring Support
Kipping Ring Dip
Squat Clean (135,95)
Ring Dips
Level 2 (115,75)
Level 1 (95,65)
Alternating Tabata
Hollow Rocks
Bicycle Abs
5 Rounds
20 Cal on Airdyne
400m Sprint
Rest 2 minutes
2 rounds, with a medicine ball:
10 Knee Tucks
20 Plank Ups
30 Sit ups
40 Russian Twists