Benchmark: “Badger” – CFS


We are hosting the Clinical Athlete Sports Medicine Seminar which focuses on the mechanics of the Squat, Deadlift and Press.  The Seminar will be held on Sunday October 16th from 9-5.  For more info and to sign up click here

Midline Madness
1 Round
1 Minute plank Hold
:10s rest
1 Minute of Jackknives
:10s Rest
1 Minute Hollow Hold
:10s Rest

WOD (35 min hard cap)
3 Rounds
30 Squat Cleans (95,65)
30 Pull-ups
800m Run

*Unless you can do 10-15 unbroken pull ups, you should be scaling down the pull up reps.

Level 2 (75,55), 20 reps
Level 1 (65,35), 15 reps

Scores/Comments from Badger on 10/1/15