We will be running a reduced schedule this week due to the holiday. Please see below for schedule updates:
Tuesday 12/23: Normal Schedule. Oly class will meet in Southie Green at 7pm
Wednesday 12/24: Classes in Southie Green only; 5:30am, 6:30am, 7:30am, 9am, 11am, 12pm
Thursday 12/25: Closed… Merry Christmas!
Friday 12/26: Classes in Southie Green only; 11am, 12pm, Open Gym 1-3pm, 3pm, 4pm, 5pm
Saturday 12/27: Classes in Southie Green only; 8am, 9am, 10am, 11am, 12pm Intro Class, 1pm Oly Class, 2pm & 3pm
“12 Days of CrossFit Southie“
1 Thruster in a Burpee (115, 80)
2 Turkish Get ups (1.5/1; one for each arm)
3 Front Squats (115,80)
4 Clean and Jerks (115,80)
6 SDHP (115,80)
7 Clapping Pushups
8 Knee To Elbows
9 Kipping Pullups
10 Lords of Leaping (24,20)
11 Overhead Squats (115,80)
12 HSPU’s
Level 2 (95,65); (1/.75)
Level 1 (65, 35); (.75/.5)
For each day. you complete the # of reps and work your way down the list, just like the song. After completing the Thruster in a Burpee proceed to the next day. For example on day 5 you would do 5 kb swings, 4 clean and jerks, 3 front squats, 2 turkish get ups and a thruster in a burpee and then proceed on to day 6. This is a tough wod, we can substitute and scale to make it doable for everyone.
12 Days of Crossfit Southie 12/20/13
12 Days of Crossfit Southie 12/19/12
Conditioning Class: WOD
10 x 250m Row
Rest 1 minute after each. Record all splits.
Conditioning Class: Core
2 Rounds
25 Hollow Rocks
20 AbMat Situps
15 Supermans
10 Bridges per leg