Skill Warm-up – 10 minutes
3 rounds of
20 pistols (10 each leg)
10 kipping HSPUs – work on the kip. Use paralletes and abmats where necessary. This is a warm up, not a workout. Make sure it is not something to challenging.
Dynamic Effort – 20 minutes
8×5 @ 40-45% of 1 rep max high bar Back squat with band tension
Red band and Blue band on each side wrapped around 2 sets of 2pood kbs for guys
Red band wrapped around 2 sets of 53kbs for ladies
Safety first! – Start light and take your time getting in and out of the rack. Make sure weight is on the bar before you add the bands.
Work with a partner or rest 45 seconds between sets. Control it on the way down but remember this is for speed on the way up. If you are moving slow decrease the weight or increase the rest.
Strength Effort – 15 minutes
Back squat
Grab a specialty bar if available.
WOD – 10 minutes
3 Rounds
15 Burpees
15 power snatches (115,80)
***First 10 snatched should be unbroken***
Games (135,95)
Regional (115,80)
Open (95,65)
After party – with a partner
30 -20 -10
GHD sit-ups
GhD Hip extensions
1st partner does 30 ghd situps
2nd partner does 30 ghd situps
1st partner does 30 hip extensions
2nd partner does 30 hip extensions
Then on to the20’s and 10’s