Member Spotlight – Toby Maguire!
We are so excited to shine a spotlight on our longtime member Toby! We are so happy to have in this community. Toby is consistently here for the 5:30AM class. He goes above and beyond to work on mobility, conditioning and strength among other things. Toby is an inspiration to those around him. Most recently he climbed the Pegboard…you know that large piece of wood hanging in Southie Orange that looks like a human sized cribbage board, yeah he climbed that at 57 years young! The same one that games athletes use daily! That is just one example of how Toby’s hard work has paid off over the years! We’re lucky to have him here and look forward to seeing where his hard work takes him next.
For being featured in the Member Spotlight Toby will also receive a FREE Half Hour massage from our clinical massage therapist Natalie!

Name: Toby Maguire
Profession: I am an administrator at the MA Department of Elementary and Secondary Education. I work in an area that funds and supports adult education (GED and English language classes).
When did you start at Crossfit Southie? August 2015
What is your Favorite movement and WOD?
Rope climbs and rowing, which make up two thirds of my favorite WOD, Dork. Sometimes when I travel I will do a Murph variation in a hotel gym or playground. Last March my family traveled to Breckenridge, CO. On St. Patrick’s Day I did Murph (20xCindy) at 9,600 feet at the local gym. My time was probably the slowest ever for someone from Southie: 1:02:25.
Which Class do you Frequent?
5:30 am — I come early to get ahead of traffic and to have time after class for mobility and occasionally the extra work. It’s probably the same at all the classes, but the early morning gang is super motivated and supportive. It’s a great scene and terrific way to start the day.
What has been your biggest accomplishment so far?
Having Chris post my recent pegboard climb and rowing a PR at the end of the nutrition challenge.
What are your Fitness Goals?
My primary goal is to keep my wife interested in me. Additionally, we are about ten years from retirement, and I hope to be healthy and fit enough to enjoy those years. There’s increasing evidence about the long-term benefits of exercise. The CFS coaches, especially Retta, give me the advice and guidance to avoid injuries and get the most out of each day.

What is your Favorite Part of CrossFit?
In addition to the camaraderie and support that gets me through those 5:30 am classes, my favorite part of CrossFit is having scaled the WOD just right. Too often, when I first joined, I tried to do the prescribed weights. I’ve learned to ask and gauge how to best scale to get the most out of a class.
How did you get involved in CrossFit and what was your first WOD/experience?
My wife is a nurse at Boston Medical Center. When I was about to start my new job at DESE, she asked around about gyms in the area that had HIIT classes. I really didn’t know about CrossFit until I began. My intro class was with Chuck. There were three of us; we climbed the rope and cargo net; there was some rowing too. It was fun, and I was back the next day. I remember my first “12 Days of CrossFit Southie.” Goose was in such pain watching me attempt 11 overhead squats that he took the bar away from me and gave me a PVC pipe.

What are your hobbies outside of CrossFit?
I’m a reader. I usually have two or three science fiction novels or mysteries going. I am never without a book.
What’s a “Fun Fact” about you?
I love to eat and to cook. I do most of the meal programming and spend my Sundays planning the week’s menu, shopping, and cooking.
Warm Up
2 Rounds
250m Row
200m Run
10 Bandy Good Mornings
10 Bandy Side Steps each way
Hip/hamstring mobility
Back Squat
10 Reps- Start moderate and climb as able
Each for Time
At 0:00, 6:00, 12:00
500m Row
400m Run
Record all Splits
Level 1- 250m Row-200m Run
ADV – all splits < 3:30men/3:45women
Extra Work
3 Rounds
100’ DB Front Rack Walking Lunges (50’s/35’s)
3 Rope Climbs
ADV – Pegboards
Boot Camp/Conditioning (6:30AM in Southie Green/4:45PM in Southie Orange)
2 Rounds
In 2 Minutes
Row for Max Calories
Rest 1 Minute
In 2 Minutes
Max Burpees
Rest 1 Minute
In 2 Minutes
Bike for Max Calories
Rest 1 Minute
In 2 Minutes
Max Burpee Box Jumps
Rest 1 Minute
In 2 Minutes
Max Calories on the Ski Erg
Rest 1 Minute
In 2 Minutes
Run 400m
Rest 1 Minute