Box Announcement: Mobility is moving from Tuesday to Wednesday night
Every Wednesday we host the Mobility Class @ 7:00pm in Southie Green led by DPT Coach Matt Martinez. This is a great opportunity to learn self massage and stretching techniques to help reduce soreness and improve performance. Taking this class does NOT count toward your membership. Come check it out!
2 Rounds
20 Kettlebell Swings
15 Medball Thrusters
10 Weighted Glute Bridges w/ Shoulders on top of Medball
5 Windmills per side
2×10 Single Leg Glute Bridges
Add resistance if able
Back Squat
10 @ (75-80%)
8 @ (80-85%)
6 @ (85-90%)
4 @ (90-95%)
2 @ (95%)
3 Rounds
40 Kettlebell Swings (1.5,1)
30 Wallballs
20 Chest to Bar Pull-ups
Level 2- (1,0.75) (5 Chest to Bar, 15 chin over bar)
Level 1- (0.75,0.5), chin over bar
Extra Work
7 Squat Snatch (185/135)
11 Ring Muscle Ups
100 Double Unders
11 Ring Muscle Ups
7 Squat Snatch
*wod credit: linchpin