Goal Setting Sessions
Anyone who does CrossFit has a goal (or several) that they are working toward every time they step into this gym. You wouldn’t show up as often or work as hard as you do if you didn’t! We want to make sure that we are doing everything we can to help you reach your goals AND have the best time possible every time you step foot in this gym. Going forward, we’ll be offering opportunities to sit down with your coaches for one on one sessions to discuss these goals and help formulate a plan of attack.
We’ll be holding the first round of these meetings this Saturday, October 3rd with Coach Tully, from 12:00pm – 2:00pm. To sign up for a session, please:
1. Fill out this brief questionnaire.
2. Schedule a time for Saturday HERE.
If you’re unable to make it in for a time on Saturday, please fill out the questionnaire and we’ll be in touch to schedule a session another time. Let’s crush these goals!
Back Squat
12 Minute Ascending AMRAP
3 Burpees
3 Wallballs
3 Medball Sit ups
6 Burpees
6 Wallballs
6 Medball Sit ups
9 Burpees
9 Walballs
9 Medball Sit ups…
*Hold medicine ball at your chest – not going overhead with the ball.
L1/L2 – Regular abmat sit ups
Conditioning Class: WOD
Odd – 15/12 Calories on Airdyne
Even – 100m Sprint
Conditioning Class: Core
2 Rounds for quality
9 Strict toes to bar
6 Around the worlds (3 each direction)
3 Dragonflags