2 Rounds 30on 10off
1. Lateral Up and Overs
2. Plank Ups*
3. Bulgarian Split Squats R
4. Bulgarian Split Squats L
5. Shoulder Activators
6. Strict Banded Pull Ups**
*feet on the box where able
**C2B where able – use thicker green bands for assistance
1. 5 Reps
2. 5 Reps
3. 4 Reps
4. 4 Reps
5. 3 Reps
6. 3 Reps
10 Minute AMRAP
8 Box Jump Overs
7 Chest to Bar Pull-ups
1 Heavy Deadlift @ 80-85%*
Level 2 – 5 Chest to Bar
Level 1 – 7 Chin Over Bar
ADV- 7|5 Bar Muscle-ups, 30|27” Box
*Coaches Notes*
Deadlift -Weight should be heavy and challenging but something you can move and not stand around looking at. C2B – use more band or cut the reps to be able to get your chest to the bar.
Extra Work
3 Sets
200m Run
2 Rope Climbs
5 Wall Climbs
200m Run
Rest 1:1
ADV – 5 Sets, 1 Legless, 1 Regular Climb
Running Subs – .4 Bike, 200m Ski, 250m Row, 75 Double Unders