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craig high pull

The moment you’ve all been waiting for! Teams for this Saturday’s throwdown workout can be found HERE! We are psyched to have 100+ members participating! Due to an overwhelming number of Rx athletes, there are several teams with 3 Rx athletes and no scaled athlete. For teams with 3 Rx athletes, there will be no jumping pull ups allowed in WOD 4. One athlete will perform chest to bar pull ups, and two will perform regular unassisted pull ups. All other workouts stay the same. Stay tuned to the blog this week for more updates and details for the weekend!

Box Squat

*Between sets complete 10 strict toes to bar or straight leg raises. Work on keeping the hollow body position.

-Add chains if proficient with the box squat

800m Run
20 Burpee Pull-ups
400m Run
20 Burpee Pull-ups
800m Run

ADV- 12 Burpee Bar Muscle-ups

“Butts & Guts” Class
Southie Green