Accessory to the Crime

KC – Cheeesin’ on those Plate Runs!

Spring Nutrition Challenge Kicks off May 28th!
Are you looking for a simple yet effective way to jumpstart your nutrition goals before summer is in full swing? Look no further! We are excited to launch a new nutrition challenge beginning on Tuesday, May 28th (after MDW!), through June 25th (before July 4th festivities!).

The rules and tracking of this challenge will not be as strict as past challenges; however, the goal remains the same: fuel our body with as many whole, healthy foods as possible and develop as many healthy, sustainable practices outside of the gym as possible.

Everyone can benefit from this challenge! Whether you are brand new to CrossFit & nutrition, or if you are a nutrition challenge veteran, we encourage you to sign up! If you are interested in participating, please click HERE.

Important Dates:
Saturday, May 18th @ 11AM: Introductory Lecture w/ Coach Michelle Boutet, RD
Week of May 19th: Weigh-ins & Benchmark Workouts
Tuesday, May 28th: Challenge Begins!
Week of June 23rd: Weigh-ins & Benchmark Workouts Retest
Tuesday, June 25th: Challenge Ends!

Every :90 for 6 minutes
200m Run
5 Burpees to Target + 5 Strict Pull Ups or Ring Rows

KB Floor Press
KB Russian Twist
KB Reverse Lunge
KB Glute Bridge

5 Rounds
400m Run
10 Burpee Pull-ups

Level 2- 7 Burpee Pull-ups
Level 1- 4 rounds, 300m, 7 burpee pull-ups
ADV – 5 Burpee Bar Muscle Ups & 5 Burpee Pull Ups each round

Extra Work
2 Rounds
Sandbag Clean (140/90)
Bench Press (165/105)
Rest 5 Minutes between rounds

Boot Camp/Conditioning
(6:30AM in Southie Green/4:45PM in Southie Orange)
30s work:30s Rest x5 Then Rotate
1. Double Unders
2. Ski
3. Burpee Box jumps/step-ups
4. Run (100m Sprint if outside
5. Bike