Announcing the final workout of the 2014 In-House Throwdown! We’re only 8 days away, so click here to signed up! The deadline to sign up is Monday, May 12. Sign up today to reserve your spot!
Event 4: The Sprint (7 min cap)
30 Wall Ball (20/14#)
30/20 Toes to Bar
500m Row
Scaled: 14/10#; AbMat Situps
-Between sets complete 10 Ring Rows
Row 500m
10 Deadlifts (275,185)
Row 400m
8 Deadlifts
Row 300m
6 Deadlifts
Row 200m
4 Deadlifts
Row 100m
2 Deadlifts
Level 3- (225,155)
Level 2 – (185,115)
Level 1- 1(35,95)