
*Reminder*  Yoga class has been suspended until further notice as Kim is out on pregers leave.
All Levels classes will be held in Southie Green today.

Row technique
HSPU/HandStand Walks/Ring Handstand Push Ups

Tabata Deadlift (225/135)
rest 2 minutes
Tabata HSPU/ Hand Release Push Up
rest 2 minute
Tabata Row(calories)
rest 2 minutes
Tabata Push Press (135/95)

L3 (185,105), (115/80)
L2 (135,95), (95/65)
L1 (95/65), (65/35)

Set up one bar for the deadlift and push press and strip weights during the rest period.
Your score is the sum of the lowest score of each tabata.  Post score to comments.