Street Cleaning – If driving to class first thing in the am be aware that Street Cleaning takes place on the side of Dot Ave that the gym is located on .
Warm Up
1min each station
Single tap jumps no rope
Muscle Cleans
Hip turnover drill
Strict Press
Double tap jumps no rope
Calf Rolling
Lat Rolling
Chest to Bar Pull-up
Double Under
Clean and Jerk 115|75
Chest to Bar Pull-up
*100 Double Unders After Each Round
Level 2- 95|55, Chin over bar, 50 Double unders or 1200 singles
Level 1- 75|35, 15-12-19 Chin over bar, 100 Singles
21 Clean and Jerk (135,95)
21 Chest to Bar Pull-ups
9 Bar Muscle-ups
15 Clean and Jerk
15 Chest to Bar Pull-ups
6 Bar Muscle-ups
9 Clean and Jerk
9 Chest to Bar Pull-ups
3 Bar Muscle-ups
Outdoor Skill/Strength
3x 10 Bent Over Rows
Outdoor WOD
Clean and Jerk 135|95
100 double unders after each Round
Extra Work
In 4 minutes AMRAP
21/15 Cals assault bike
21 Burpees
21/15 Cals Row
rest 3 mins
In 4 Mins AMRAP
15/10 Cals Assault bike
15 Burpees
15/10 Cals Row
rest 3 minutes
In 4 minutes AMRAP
12/8 Cals assault bike
12 Burpees
12/8 Cals Row
Can sub in cals on the ski erg or air runner instead