Paleo Challengers! A common obstacle you may encounter is the inability to satisfy your sweet tooth. Here’s a video link that walks you through the process of making paleo chocolate. It’s very simple to follow and the results are amazing. Keep it in the freezer and indulge whenever you feel the craving. Enjoy!

Sun and shorts and crop tops! OH MY! The best season of the year is approaching and it feels pretty good (in my opinion, anyways). From now on, I will be spending my time when at CFS outside in the parking lot, getting in the way of people parking, and doing anything I can to avoid being inside. As we emerge from hibernation and stretch our legs, I urge you to take advantage of the extended daylight hours by testing your fitness outside of the box.
I think most of us can agree that we are feeling pretty darn good about the shape we are in and the physical progress made since beginning CF. Since we are all suckers for competition, I am challenging you to once again push yourself beyond your comfort zone. The CrossFit prescription is “constantly varied, high-intensity, functional movement.” This prescription is intended to pertain to your daily life, not just the hour spent in the box. With the warm weather approaching, it’s time to test how well the CrossFit medicine is working.
There are plenty of days when getting into the gym does not seem possible. But, this simply means that you have the opportunity to try out some fun exercises in a new environment (and get a nice tan).
– Find a hill, any hill, and run. Simple, right? If you are in Southie, check out G Street or National Street. Sprint, run, or jog on the way up, rest on the way down. On Sundays you can find me keeling over, in pain, at the bottom of the hill on National and Dorchester. That hill is kicking my butt!
– Tabata Swim! Apply your beloved Tabata workout to your relaxing day spent at the pool, lake, or ocean. Swim for 20 seconds, tread water for 10, and repeat. This is no joke!
– Stairs at any pace- fast or slow, walking or running- will leave your backside crying for a break. Find a a stadium or set of bleachers at your nearest high school or college, and let me know how you feel after performing a few sets. Live near Porter T station? The stairs in that station literally never end! Try running the bleachers at Harvard Stadium. For an added challenge, drop for 10 push-ups every 3 minutes.
– Play with your kids. When I am home, I am much more active because I’m trying to keep up with my brothers! They love to race, play tag, go on bike rides, and do obstacle courses. I usually lose, but that is not without lack of trying!
– Run as fast as you can for 20 minutes. You can do anything for 20 minutes! Run where? Doesn’t matter! Having no predetermined distance or route can be freeing and relaxing. Once 20 minutes is up, jog or walk back to your home base.
– Play a game while on your next run. Every time you pass a dog (or some other object, landmark, etc) sprint for 30 seconds. Playing these games not only makes me push myself harder, but makes the runs go by faster and feel less like work.
So whether you’re riding solo or on a trip with friends, venture outside and challenge yourself. Please remember to have fun and be grateful for what all that your body is capable of. If anyone wants a buddy, I am your gal! You can find me in the parking lot.
Front Squat
14 Minute AMRAP
10 Alternating Goblet Lunges (2,1.5)
15 Kettlebell swings (2,1.5)
20 Calories on the Rower
Level 2- (1.5,1)
Level 1- (1,0.75)
Alternating Tabata
– Plank
– Hollow Rocks
Tuesday Conditioning WOD
Row 2000M
Rest 3 Minutes
Row 1500M
Rest 3 Minutes
Row 1000M
Rest 3 Minutes
Row 500M
50 Hollow Rocks
25 GHD Sit Ups
50 Side Plank Raises