Schedule Updates
Dan is out today for Oly Class. He is at a meet coaching Kendra. Go Kendra!!!
Endurance Class is also cancelled tomorrow but will resume next Sunday.
On 10/10 Columbus Day we will be only running one box. All levels classes will be held in Southie Green at 530, 630, 9, 11, 12, 4, 5, 6 & 7pm. The gym will be Open all day for Open Gym for those that have the day off and want to get extra work in.
12 Minute AMRAP
300m Run
Max Effort Shoulder to OH (115,75)
Score= Total Reps and # of rounds completed. You may rest in the front rack but as soon as you fail a STOH or drop the bar you must go for another run
Rest 5 Minutes
12 Minute AMRAP
10 Hang Power cleans (155,105)
15 Toes to Bar
50 Double Unders
Level 3- 135,95
Level 2- 115,75, 10 T2B, 25 Double Unders
Level 1- 95,45, 100 singles