“12 Days of Crossfit Southie”

Even the Snow Athletes Are Tired!!!

“The much anticipated 12 Days of CrossFit Southie WOD will be run today during all classes. I created this workout back in 2008. I gave this workout to Patrick Padgett in a card as a Christmas present that year and it is one of my favorite memories of our friendship, as we battled it out together every year up until just a few year ago. I know he will be right by my side again this year pushing me to move faster than ever.

Amy and I also started doing it with our personal training clients years before CrossFit Southie existed. I have seen other versions floating around, but this one is authentic to CFS! Year after year, It is great to see a lot of people giving it a first time go, and then others coming back for a second and third time.

Looking forward to kicking off the holiday season right with the 12 days and hope you all will join us. All are welcome.”
– Goose

Grab a barbell and a lighter kettlebell
Run through the workout from day 12 down:
12 HSPU or Regular Push Ups
11 OHS or Front Squats (athletes’ choice)
10 Squat Jumps
9 kipping pull ups or kip swings
8 Knees to Elbows
7 clap or regular push ups
6 sumo high pulls
5 Kettlebell Swings
4 Front Squats
3 Clean and jerks
2 Turkish Get up – drilled as group ( see demo )
Then put some weight on the bar and try the thruster and the burpee.

Turkish Get-up – See Demo

WOD (45 min Cap)
“12 Days of CrossFit Southie”
1 Thruster in a Burpee (115, 80)
2 Turkish Get ups (1.5/1; one for each arm)
3 Front Squats (115,80)
4 Clean and Jerks (115,80)
6 SDHP (115,80)
7 Clapping Pushups
8 Knee To Elbows
9 Kipping Pullups
10 Lords of Leaping (24,20)
11 Overhead Squats (115,80)
12 HSPU’s

Level 2 (95,65); (1/.75)
Level 1 (65, 35); (.75/.5)

Extra Work
Power Clean
*Hands stay on the bar the whole time

Scores/Comments from “12 Days of Crossfit Southie” performed on 12/19/2017
Scores/Comments from “12 Days of Crossfit Southie” performed on 12/19/2016
Scores/Comments from “12 Days of Crossfit Southie” performed on 12/16/2015
Scores/Comments from “12 Days of Crossfit Southie” performed on 12/18/14
Scores/Comments from “12 Days of Crossfit Southie” performed on 12/20/2013
Scores/Comments from “12 Days of Crossfit Southie” performed on 12/19/2012