Sunday’s classes are canceled, including yoga. The open WOD will take place in Southie Orange, and “Murph” will be in Southie Green. Both workouts will begin at 8am. Afterwards we will be having a paleo potluck until 11am. After that we will head over to the Bish and Shamwow household for some parade celebrations.
So far on Sunday we have the following:
- Jaime: paleo fritta and fruit
- Steph: paleo baked good
- Kate: Irish Bread
- Amy D: Quiche
- Steph: Baked good of some sort.
- Amy and Goose: Bacon on the Griddle 🙂
- Haley: Tequila..haha
- Lexi: Paleo Muffins
- JR: Whiskey
Please post any other contributions or if you would like to take part in Sunday’s Murph WOD to comments. I would like to see what we are looking at for numbers.
Some words from Shamwow regarding Sunday’s  parade festivities:
- Our address is 525 East 4th Street (corner of East 4th and G). We’re a street over from two stops on the parade route: East Broadway (obviously) and G and East 5th.
- Some revelers ( I’m not naming names, but this holiday couldn’t be more wheelhouse for said partier) have even considered sleeping over like 8th graders to get a head start on the partying. You’re certainly welcome to couch surf on Saturday. A hearty breakfast of Lucky Charms will be provided Sunday.
- We’re getting 7 kegs of Natty Light so we won’t be short on crappy beer. If you want to bring something “classier” and more festive, feel free.
- We’ll have some eggs in the morning and we’ll be cooking up hot dogs in the afternoon.
- We’re looking to collect $10 per cup to cover the cost of the kegs and food.
All are welcome, so if you guys have any friends that are in town for the holiday bring them by. Looking forward to seeing everyone on Sunday!
Open WOD 12.4
Complete as many rounds and reps as possible in 12 minutes of:
150 Wall balls (men 20lbs to 10′ target) (women 14lbs to 9′ target)
90 Double-unders
30 Muscle-ups
In large classes in Southie Green, due to lack of wall space during construction, you may sub barbell thrusters (45/25) for the wallballs if you are not officially participating in the open.