The scalability of CrossFit makes it a great program for all ability levels. Take rope climbs for example. Rx Rope climbs are typically 15ft but we have also have a 10ft mark and a bell to ring at the 20ft top. In the top picture, we scale down rope climbs further by lying in the supine position on the floor to start and pulling ourselves to a standing position, all while keeping a neutral body position and tight mid-line. We can make the rope climbs more challenging for the advanced athlete, by taking away the security of the legs. To further the demand, we can performing the climb in a L-sit position (picture on the bottom), making it much more difficult on the core and upper body.
Hollow Rock Challenge
60 Hollow Rocks
20 minute AMRAP
5 Power Cleans (145,100)
10 T2B
15 Wallballs (20lbs to 10ft; 14lbs to 9ft)
Level 2 (135,75)
Level 1 (95,45)