10th Annual Jingle Bell Run!!
Join us for another festive, fun and local 5K! The 10th Annual Jingle Bell Run is right around the corner and we would love to run it with all of you! This 5K benefits the South Boston Catholic Academy, which several CFS members have children enrolled in! The registration link can be found HERE. Check out all of the details below.
Date: Saturday, December 1st
Time:9:00 a.m. – 100 Meter Dash (9 years and under)
9:30 a.m. – ½ Mile Race (14 years and under)
10:00 a.m. – 5K Run
Cost: Youth Run $15.00/5K Run $30.00
2 Rounds
:20 on/:10 off
1. Squat Hold
2. Hollow Hold
3. Bike
4. Jumping Lunges
Immediately following the end of the 2nd round, sprint 200m, ski 200m or Row 250m
Turkish Get Up
3 x 3 per side
Increase weight as able
Conditioning Tabata Mash-up
Kettlebell Lunges (1.5,1)
You have 20s work:10s rest, 8 times like your typical tabata.
After each exercise instead of resting 1 minute and rotating, you will have 3 minutes to sprint 400m, Row 500m or Ski 400m and then rest with any time left over before rotating.
Score = sum of the lowest number of reps, and your fastest and slowest 400m Times
Extra Work
Back Squat 3-3-3
Max set of HSPUs 4”-2”-floor*
*Complete a heavy set of 3 on the back squat followed by a max set of strict hspus at 4” immediately followed by a max kipping set at 4” rest as much time as necessary before squatting again and then comletitng wita 2” deficit and then again to the floor.