100’s Saturday Partner WOD – CFS

Crew run run ya crew run run

We will be running a normal schedule today and tomorrow. On Monday, Memorial Day, we will be holding classes at 9am and 10am.

Grab a band, grab a partner
Banded high knees
Banded side shuffle in both directions
Banded reverse shuffle
Banded band run
Banded lunges
Banded spiderman crawl
Banded band run again

100 Calorie Bike
100 Burpee Pull-ups
100 Cal Ski Erg or Row
Once finished grab a plate (45,25) then Run as a team to the 200m line. Complete 8 Sled Pushes Each. Run the long way back into the gym switching off the plate.

*2 people can work at a time on the first part of the workout, but they need to be on different exercises. For example One person does 10 calories on the bike, while partner 2 does 10 burpee pull-ups and partner 3 rests.

Level 1- (70 cal row/bike/bp)