Summer Achievements

Mike getting after those clapping pushups!

The CFNE garage games event is September 8th and 9th. Coaches such as Goosedaddy and Amy will be competitng as well as some badass members. CFNE is a good pal of

Last year at the CFNE garage games. Shamon looking 13 and Arik looking oddly seductive.

CF Southie and we would really like to help them out with some judges. Judging is a great way to get more involved with CrossFit and a great way to meet others in the community. Here are some details from my girl Mel:

We NEED: 48 Judges for the Northeast Fire Breather Festival! We have a handful right now. The more judges we have, the smoother the event runs and the more breaks the judges get.
Criteria: You do NOT need to be certified. Just a CrossFit enthusiest.
Perks: FREE FOOD and t-shirt. Plus a BEER social Saturday and Sunday night.
Sign Up: Register as a volunteer, then email [email protected] to confirm you want to be a judge.
When: Movement standards meeting is Friday September 7th at 7pm. Competition starts Sat and Sun

Big things have been going on around the box lately, here are just a few…
Tom P– 1st unassisted muscle up 6/07
Joe Lask– 1st double under 6/25
Neal Mullane Jr.- 1st muscle up 6/20
Gill– unassisted pull ups 6/25
Bill– 47.5 box jump 6/25
Kary– 32.5 box jump 6/25
Melaine– 1st 20″ box jump 6/27
Cindy– 1st 20″ box jump!!!!!!! 6/27
J– 30 muscle ups under 10 min/ 245 lb clean and jerk 6/16
Kim Borchert– 1st double under 6/27
Jason Barrow– 1st ring muscle up in July
Liz– 3 consecutive double unders in July
JBo– pr FS/BS/deadlift/snatch/powerclean in July
Mike G– 1st muscle up 8/1
Joyce– 2 unassisted pull ups 8/1
Willis– 1st muscle up 8/1
Kevin M– 1st muscle up 8/1
Stafford– 10 unassisted pull ups 8/2
Kelly– 10 unassisted pull ups 7/31
Brian Sully– 1st unassisted muscle up in August
Kara– 1st unassisted pull up 8/7
Nicole– linked muscle ups in July
Mike Joseph – First MuUp

Post your achievement or a fellow community members achievements to comments.

Power Cleans (115,80)
Ring Dips
20 Double unders after each round

L2 (105/65)
L1 (75/35)

ADV (135/95)