Last Week For Our Summer Special!


3-Month Summer Special! ($150 Savings!)
Sign up for 3 months of our 3 classes per week CrossFit membership and enjoy $150 in savings! With our flexible class schedule and no need to reserve classes in advance, this summer special is the perfect opportunity to kick your fitness routine into high gear for the summer! There are no restrictions on the days/times you come to classes each week; come whenever fits your schedule! Your three weekly classes can be used to attend general CrossFit classes or specialty classes (Olympic Lifting, Bootcamp, etc.) Your membership also includes access to several free bonus classes each week!

*CFS Fam, if you’ve got any friends who you think would be interested in getting started, please share this offer with them. There’s no better time of year than the summer at CFS!

2 Rounds
10 Medball Hug Step Ups
10 Medball Thrusters
10 Medball Box Jumps w/ Step Down

1 Minute Cross Body Mountain Climbers w/ Hands on Medball
30s Low to High Medball Cross Chops each direction
30 Sec Leg Lift (ADV – Medball on Shins)

Front Squat (Tempo 321*)
*3 Second Descent, 2 Second Active Hold at Bottom of Squat, 1 Second Explode Up from Bottom

7 Rounds
5 Power Cleans (155,105)
7 Box Jumps (30,24)
9 Wall balls

Level 3- (135,95)
Level 2- (115,75)
Level 1- (95,55)

Extra Work
With a partner 10 rounds each
15/12 cals ski