Squatted From The Bottom, Now We Here – CFS

Happy Friday!

30-Day Summer Ramp Up Nutrition Challenge
With summer just around the corner, it’s time to get our nutrition in check before we are overwhelmed with cookouts, parties, and day drinking. What better way to get back on track than with another nutrition challenge? We’re switching the format up again and focusing on a shorter, stricter 30-day challenge. The challenge will be wrapped up and over with before your July 4th Celebrations… so why not participate?!

We’ll also be offering two levels of the challenge this time around: An introductory level and a Advanced level. The introductory level will focus primarily on eating whole, healthy foods with some consideration for timing to best fuel your workouts. If you’ve done our nutrition challenges in the past, the Advanced level may be a good challenge for you. In addition to focusing on eating quality whole foods at appropriate times, we’ll also dial in quantities by weighing and measuring all of our meals. It’s only for thirty days… so make the commitment and get involved! More details to follow, but save the important dates below:

Buy In: $20
Informational Lecture: Wednesday, May 24th, 6pm
Benchmark Workouts & Baseline Measurements: Week of 5/28
Challenge Begins: Thursday, June 1st
Challenge Ends: Friday, June 30th

To sign up to participate in the challenge, click HERE!

Sports and Wellness Appointments with Dr. Fernandez THIS Saturday!
Dr. Fernandez is taking appointments for this Saturday, May 20th.  Dr. Fernandez is an Internationally Certified Chiropractic Sports Physician and a member of the International Federation of Chiropractic Sports Physicians. His adjustments include soft tissue work, which make his sessions magical! Click HERE to see his rates and to sign up!




7 min AMRAP
10 Goblet Squats
10 Single Arm KB Push Ups (Up & over kettlebell each time)
10 Goblet Squats
10 Single Arm KB Bent Over Rows (5 per side)

Rope Climbs

Front Squat

Between sets complete 10 single arm/single leg presses on each side. Ex: Stand on right leg, press kettlebell overhead with left arm. Go slowly and try not to touch your foot down between reps.

15 Minute AMRAP
20 Kettlebell Swings (1.5,1)
15 Wallballs
10 Push-ups
1 Rope Climb

Level 2- 1.25, .75pd
Level 1 – 1, .5pd/ 2 Pull to Stands
ADV- Clap Push Ups