Showdown WOD Announcements: Ninja Warrior & Second Wind

“Ninja Warrior”

4 Minute AMRAP
5 Bar Muscle-ups
5 Front Squats (205,135)
In 4 minutes, complete:
3 Rounds
10 Chest to Bar Pull Ups
5 Front Squats (155, 105)
Then in remaining time, AMRAP:
5 Bar Muscle Ups
5 Front Squats (155, 105)

*Tiebreak time at completion of 3rd round

In 4 minutes, complete:
3 Rounds
10 Chin Over Bar Pull Ups
5 Front Squats (115, 75)
Then in remaining time, AMRAP:
5 Chest to Bar Pull Ups
5 Front Squats (115, 75)

*Tiebreak time at completion of 3rd round

– Rest 2 Minutes –

“Second Wind”

In 4 Minutes:
125 Double Unders
10 Shoulder to Overhead
Then AMRAP Toes to Bar

ADV – 205,135
Rx – 155,105
Intermediate – 115,75, Single Unders, AMRAP AbMat Sit Ups

*Ninja Warrior and Second Wind will be scored as two separate events. Second Wind will begin exactly two minutes after the completion of Ninja Warrior.*

Standards for “Ninja Warrior”
Front Squat
Hip crease must pass below the knee at the bottom of every rep. Athletes must stand to full extension with hips fully open at the top before descending into the next rep. A squat clean for the first rep is acceptable. Barbells must stay in your lane at all times. If a barbell is dropped and bounces or rolls out of your lane, it will result in a 3 burpee lateral jump penalty on the spot.

Bar Muscle Up
The rep begins with straight arms at the bottom. At the top, full lock out is required with elbows fully extended. Fade away bar muscle ups where the athlete does not meet lockout at the top over the pull up bar before falling into the next rep will not be counted. Absolutely no glide kips will be allowed: hips, knees, and/or feet must not pass higher than the pull up bar at any point.

Chest to Bar Pull Ups
The rep begins with straight arms at the bottom and ends with the chest making clear contact with the bar below the collar bone. Any type of kip is allowed.

Chin Over Bar Pull Ups
The rep begins with straight arms at the bottom and ends with the chin clearly passing over the height of the bar. Any type of kip is allowed.

Standards for “Second Wind”

Double Under (Advanced & Rx)
Rope passes under the feet twice for every jump. The rep that you trip up on will not be counted.

Single Unders (Intermediate)
Rope passes under the foot once for every jump. The rep that you trip up on will not be counted. A two foot jump is required for the rep to count. Intermediate athletes may choose to complete double unders if they prefer. This must be established with the judge before the workout begins; mixing and matching is not allowed. The rep count will remain the same for those who choose to do double unders.

Shoulder to Overhead
Press, Push Press, Push Jerk and Split Jerk are permitted. At the top of the movement, the athlete must be in full control with the feet under the hips and the bar stacked on top of the shoulder, hips and ankles. The rep must be complete and full lock-out/control must be established for the rep to count. The athlete must show control of the bar on the way down. If the bar is not controlled and goes out of his/her lane, the rep will not be counted.

Toes to Bar
Athlete must go from a full hang to having the toes touch the pull-up bar. Both feet must be in contact with the bar at the same time, inside the hands. The arms and hips must be fully extended at the bottom and the feet must be brought back behind the bar and behind the body.

AbMat Sit Ups
The rep begins with the athletes shoulders and hands touching the floor behind the AbMat and ends with the hands reaching in front and shoulders clearly passing in front of the hips at the top.