Showdown WOD Announcement: Salty Seven & Super Salty Seven

Stone Over Shoulder
The sandbag must clearly pass over the top of the shoulder for each rep. Any method of getting the sandbag over the shoulder will be permitted. Alternating shoulders is not required. For safety reasons, sandbags must stay in your lane at all times. If the sandbag is thrown out of your lane, it will result in a 3 burpee penalty to be assessed immediately.

Hug Carry
The sandbag must be held in the front of the body, below the shoulders at all times. The carry must be completed in a minimum of 10 foot increments, with 50’ in one direction and a 50’ walk back. Both feet must cross the line while holding the bag in order for the carry to count. If the bag is dropped before both feet cross the line, the athlete must return the bag to the start of that 10’ increment and begin again.

Stone Squats
The sandbag must be held in the front of the body, below the shoulders at all times. The crease of the hip must clearly pass below parallel at the body, and hips must fully extend at the top of each rep. Please note, holding the sandbag low by the waist is permitted, but does make achieving full depth much more challenging!

Handstand Walks
The floor will be divided into 10’ sections, with 50’ in one direction and a 50’ walk back. The athlete must start with the feet and hands behind the first line. The athlete must kick up with the entire hand (including palms and fingers) behind the line each time. Kicking up and over the line will be a no-rep. Both hands must clearly cross the line in order for the 10’ increment to count. Each 10-foot section will count as 1 rep. If at any point the athlete comes down, they must restart from the last line crossed.


Front Squat
Hips must clearly pass below the knee at the bottom of each rep. Hips must reach full extension at the top before descending into the next rep. A squat clean into the first rep is permitted, as long as full depth is reached.

Handstand Push Up
Strict or kipping is allowed. Hands must stay within a 36”x24” box for the entire rep. Athletes must kick up into a handstand with arms locked out before beginning the first rep. Kicking into a headstand will be a no-rep. Feet must stay within the hands for the entirety of the rep. Feet may come off of the wall to kip, but must be in contact with the wall at the top of each rep in order for it to count. Hips may be in contact with the wall at the bottom of the rep in order to kip, but once the athlete begins to travel back up, no other part of the body may touch the wall. Athletes may not use their feet to assist on the way up the wall. At the top, ears must be in line with the arms at the top (similar to a push press), and hips and knees must be extended for the rep to count. Shoes are required; no fabric over the heels of shoes will be allowed.

Front Squat
Hips must clearly pass below the knee at the bottom of each rep. Hips must reach full extension at the top before descending into the next rep. A squat clean into the first rep is permitted, as long as full depth is reached.

Wall Climbs
The athlete must start each rep with hands, chest & thighs in contact with the floor and feet in contact with the wall. Athletes will walk their hands and feet toward the wall until the entire hand (including fingers) is behind the designated line. Please note, the hand must remain flat on the floor at the finish position; making a fist to sneak fingers past the line will not be permitted. The rep is complete when the athlete controls themselves back to the floor to the starting position. Kicking down from the wall early will result in a no-rep.