Benchmark WOD: “Nancy” & Summertime Swag

Single Leg Deadlifts

New Swag ALERT!
Gentlemen grab your summertime gear while it’s hot!!
Shorts – $40.00
T-Shirt- $20.00
Looking fresh this summer…..Priceless

3 Rounds
:45 Work/:15 Rest & Rotate
a – Handstand Shoulder Taps
b – Pass Throughs in Bottom of Squat
c – 200m Sprint

-Scale to plank shoulder taps & 100m sprint as necessary

Benchmark WOD (20 Minute Hard cap)
5 Rounds
400m Run
15 Overhead Squats (95,65)

Level 2- (75,50)
Level 1- (65,35)

Scores/Comments from Nancy on 6/7/2017
Scores/Comments from Nancy on 12/11/2014

30 Hollow Rocks
50m Handstand walk or 4 Wall Climbs
20 Sit-ups/12 GHD Sit-ups

Or Extra Work

Extra Work
Push Press + Push Jerk + Jerk (2+2+1) x 3
Push Jerk + Jerk (2+1) x 2, (1+1)x2
Jerk x 1 x 3 sets
*Move up in weight through the course of the sets.