5 Minute Sprint: 2:00 Rest

Kevin – Crushing KB Core Work

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Partner up – grab barbell
A: Row 15/12 Calories
B: Burps
A: Row 15/12 Calories
B: Front Squats
A: Row 15/12 Calories
B: Kips on pull up bar
Quickly drill squat clean
Cover pull ups

Handstand Push-up – Beginner Tips
Handstand Walk – Progressions/Warm Ups

In 5 Minutes Complete
50/40 Calorie Row
Then AMRAP Handstand Push-ups
Rest 2 Minutes

In 5 Minutes Complete
50/40 Calorie Row
Hang Squat Cleans (135,95)
Rest 2 Minutes

In 5 Minutes Complete
50/40 Calorie Row
Then AMRAP Pull-ups
Rest 2 Minutes

In 5 Minutes Complete
50/40 Calorie Row
Then AMRAP Burpees

Level 2- (115,75),40/30
Level 1- (95,45),30/20 cal row, regular push-ups

Coaches Note: Please scale Rows appropriately! You should have approximately 1.5-2 minutes to accumulate reps

Extra Work
Work up to a heavy Snatch Double